sábado, 18 de abril de 2009

The Simpsons

The Simpsons is an American animated sitcom created by Matt Groening for the Fox Broadcasting Company. The series is a satirical parody of a middle class American lifestyle epitomized by its eponymous family, which consists of Homer, Marge, Bart, Lisa, and Maggie. The show is set in the fictional town of Springfield, and lampoons American culture, society and television, and many aspects of the human condition.
what do you think about Simpsons's family?

13 comentários:

  1. Este comentário foi removido pelo autor.

  2. I think they so cool. They are so funny. I watch them every days of week!

  3. The Simpsons is a family so diferent. In my opium, it isn´t good to all family.

  4. The simpsons family is different and interesting,because they portray the day-to-day life of a typical American family.

  5. Jardel and space english do you think the simpsons can be compared with the Brazilian families?

  6. There are many things happens to some families. So, I think can be compared with heppening of day after day. But there are things can't be compared the real life. Example: I can go in a friend's house and his house be destroied by a missile. This is impossible.
    But this is the context of Simpsons. Things impossibles to happen and happens.

  7. I have a position above The Simpsons...
    This is a bad cartun, because show a family deregulate. In Brazil, many familys are as The Simpsons.

  8. I think the Simpsons family very crazy.

  9. Nubia, what do you think about the role of Homer Simpson as a representative of the family simpsons?

  10. Este comentário foi removido pelo autor.

  11. This is a good question Caio !

    Well, I think the Homer simpson isn’t good representative of the family. First, because he commit many mistakes in their work, this leaves the city in danger because he is inspector at the Springfield Nuclear Power Plant. I think the Homer simpson is crude, incompetent,clumsy, and lazy. At home, he is the boorish father. I think too, that he has little intelligence, and he is always in trouble. But with all these faults, he is a funny man.

  12. The Simpsons site: http://www.thesimpsons.com/bios/bios_family_homer.htm

    Caio, this site shows all the Simpsons characters, It's very good and it's all in English.

  13. I agree space english,many brazilian families are similar to the simpsons !!!!
